Meccanotecnica Umbra is a globally leading company in the design and manufacturing of mechanical seal systems, specializing in automotive, household appliances, and various industrial sectors including food, paper, mining, chemical, pharmaceutical, energy, and aerospace. Megaseal and Cityline, as group brands, offer a wide range of mechanical seals with fast service and cost-effective solutions.

We at Huhnseal design and manufacture mechanical seals for rotating equipment. Engineered solutions, Aftermarket exclusivity for the OEM’s, personalized logistic plans.

For over 20 years, Fugesco has been providing the hydroelectric and industrial sectors with unique and cutting-edge mechanical seal solutions, capable of accommodating shafts up to 4 meters in diameter.

Workplace Safety

Safety management is at the centre of Meccanotecnica work organisation, in order to ensure a safe, healthy workplace for workers and anyone else who may be involved in the company's activities.



Meccanotecnica guarantees a structured approach to accident and occupational disease prevention and reduction, with the adoption of an occupational health and safety management system that is ISO45001 certified.

These processes involve not only qualified Prevention and Protection Service personnel but also the workers themselves, who participate in updating the activities inherent to their tasks and collaborate in defining the level of risk in the process defined as “Risk Assessment”. 

Workers have the opportunity to report hazardous conditions even outside the Risk Assessment process, through an application that sends the report directly to the PPS. The PPS takes charge of the report and involves the worker himself or herself and the appropriate personnel in at attempt to establish the appropriate countermeasures to mitigate and eliminate the hazard.

In the event of accidents, injuries or reports of near misses, HSE officers initiate the process of finding the root cause, involving the worker concerned in order to identify the most appropriate countermeasures. All information relevant to safety is disseminated to workers via the company intranet, which can be consulted from the computer totems in the departments, and via plant and departmental notice boards. 

Over the last few years, the company has also extensively invested in asbestos removal and improvements to the earthquake resistance of building structures.