Ethical Code
Let's define the core values, integrity, and responsibilities that must be followed to ensure ethical and respectful behavior.
Let's define the core values, integrity, and responsibilities that must be followed to ensure ethical and respectful behavior.
Work represents the primary resource of humanity, an element of unparalleled dignity. It is the heritage of our company but also of every individual worker.
We place work, its safeguarding, and its content at the core of our value system. Therefore, we commit to ensuring it, carefully tending to its conditions, and providing all our people with a perspective of growth, both professionally and personally.
We also commit to teaching them the immense value that work represents, to never forget how important their job is, and how respectful they must be of it, through dedication and behaviors, both for themselves and for the many who do not have jobs. Our company must increasingly be a place of gathering, of social life, of awareness.
We also commit to respecting a code of Social Responsibility that ensures our employees and their families.
The professionalism and the wealth of skills of our people are the strategic lever for our company's success, essential elements for development and for a healthy yet intense competition.
For this reason, we promote their development through policies that recognize and enhance individual knowledge and merits, ensuring everyone an opportunity to seize.
We consider respect for human rights a "sine qua non" condition of our operations and make every possible effort to avoid all forms of abuse.
Behaviors that do not safeguard moral integrity and do not ensure equal opportunities for all, without discrimination based on political and union opinions, religion, race, nationality, age, gender, sexual orientation, health status, and generally any intimate characteristic of the human person, will not be tolerated. We commit to ensuring that, within the scope of our activities, the rights outlined in the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" are upheld.
Every relationship within and outside our company must always be guided by utmost loyalty, respect for others, honoring commitments, promises, and agreements, acting with a sense of responsibility, enhancing and safeguarding the company's assets, and acting in complete good faith in every activity or decision. We recognize the value of fair competition as a tool for efficiently allocating collective resources and commit to not engage in collusive, exploitative behaviors, or abuse any dominant positions.
All Workers are required to comply with the laws and regulations in force in their countries of operation, the Code of Ethics and the internal business rules, applying them equally and fairly.
This applies if a person pursues his or her behaviour in opposition to the purpose of the business and/or personally benefits from business opportunities related to the company’s activities, or else when the client or supplier representatives act contrary to the fiduciary duties associated with their position.
We strive to counteract any kind of corruption, abuse of position, or action to create gain through monetary or in kind donations.
Any action that may potentially appear to be a conflict of interest with the company’s purpose must be avoided.
Our company cooperates fully with the institutional authorities and internal control bodies. All of our people are required to do the same in their own field of work.
Every action, operation or transaction must be managed with the utmost correctness, completeness, transparency, and truthful- ness and must be constantly verifiable.
Subject to legal and contractual obligations, our company protects the confidentiality of stakeholder information and ensures the privacy of per- sonal correspondence and the personal documentation of its people in all possible forms. No one can use confidential information for purposes that are not attributable to the pursuit of their business (for example, insider trading, resale of client information, etc.).
We believe that protecting the environment is a fundamental value for the community. We are the hosts of the territory where we work and we believe firmly in the compatibility between company development and respect for the environment.
We are therefore committed to working in compliance with applicable laws, applying the best technologies possible, promoting and planning the development of activities and projects aimed at enhanc- ing natural resources, preserving the environment for future generations, and promoting initiatives for widespread environmental protection consist- ent with our Environmental Policy.